
朝阳楼市发布 2024-12-25 13:40:33





自带停机坪+私人定制的超级豪宅 『海泰北外滩』约375㎡-1500㎡ ,这不仅仅是一个区域的崛起,更是上海面向未来、拥抱全球化的又一里程碑式杰作。
















买房的基本常识‌‌12Basic knowledge of buying a house 12·产权年限‌:房屋为永久产权,但土地出让年限不同,如商品住宅为70年,商业地产为40年等。Property ownership period: The house is a permanent property, but the land transfer period is different, such as 70 years for commercial residential properties and 40 years for commercial real estate.·五证‌:包括《‌商品房销售(预售)许可证》、《‌建设工程施工许可证》等。Five certificates: including "Sales (Pre sale) License for Commercial Housing", "Construction Project Construction License", etc.·户型‌:挑选户型时要看朝向、开间、进深等。Unit type: When choosing a unit type, you should consider the orientation, opening, depth, etc.·各种“金”‌:如意向金、订金、定金等,定金具有法律效力。Various types of "gold": Ruyi Xiang Jin, deposit, earnest money, etc., and earnest money has legal effect.·赠送面积‌:如飘窗、露台等,阳台分为凸阳台和凹阳台。Gift area: such as bay windows, terraces, etc. Balconies are divided into convex balconies and concave balconies.·贷款利率‌:一般为基准利率。Loan intere售楼处电话:400-832-9881【电话】st rate: usually the benchmark interest rate.·‌层高和‌净高‌:层高是指上下两层楼面之间的垂直距离,净高是指下层地板表面到上层楼板下表面的距离。Floor height and net height: Floor height refers to the vertical distance between the upper and lower floors, while net height refers to the distance from the surface of the lower floor to the lower surface of the upper floor.·建筑类型‌:如低层、多层、高层等。Building types: such as low rise, multi story, high-rise, etc.·‌建筑容积率和‌建筑密度‌:容积率是指项目规划建设用地范围内全部建筑与规划建设用地面积之比,建筑密度是指居住区用地内各类建筑的基底总面积与居住区用地的比率。Building plot ratio and building density: Plot ratio refers to the ratio of all buildings within the planned construction land area to the planned construction land area, while building density refers to the ratio of the total base area of various buildings within the residential area to the residential area land.‌购房过程中需要注意的事项‌Notes to be taken into account during the process of purchasing a house1.查看五证‌:确保‌开发商具备合法的建设销售资格。1. Check the five certificates: Ensure that th售楼处电话:400-832-9881【电话】e developer has legal qualifications for construction and sales.2.评估购房能力‌:月供最好控制在总收入的50%以内,避免影响生活质量。2. Evaluate purchasing ability: It is best to control monthly payments within 50% of total income to avoid affecting the quality of life.3.选择口碑好的开发商‌:好的开发商资质高、资金充足,项目更可靠。3. Choose a developer with good reputation: Good developers have high qualifications, sufficient funds, and more reliable projects.4.关注户型朝向‌:优劣顺序为正南、东南、东、西南、北、西。4. Pay attention to the orientation of the layout: the order of superiority and inferiority is due south, s售楼处电话:400-832-9881【电话】outheast, east, southwest, north, and west.5.选择合适的楼层‌:中间层空气质量好,出行方便。5. Choose the appropriate floor: The middle floor has good air quality and is convenient for travel.6.考虑赠送面积‌:如阳台分为封闭和半封闭两种,封闭阳台全部算面积,半封闭阳台只算一半面积。6. Consider giving away area: If the balcony is divided into two types: enclosed and semi enclosed, all enclosed balconies will be counted as area, while semi enclosed balconies will only be counted as half of the area.7.核实房屋权益‌:查看房屋的产权证、土地使用证等证件,确认房屋所有权属和产权状况。7. Verify property rights: Check the property ownership certificate, land use certificate and other documents of the house to confirm the ownership and property status of t售楼处电话:400-832-9881【电话】he house.8.关注购房政策‌:了解相关购房政策,避免因政策问题导致购房失败或承担不必要的风险。8. Pay attention to housing purchase policies: Understand relevant housing purchase policies to avoid purchasing failures or unnecessary risks caused by policy issues.‌实用的购房建议‌Practical housing advice·优先选择现房或准现房‌:避免期房可能带来的风险。Prioritize choosing existing or near existing properties to avoid potential risks associated with pre-sale properties.·关注物业和配套设施‌:好的物业和完善的配套设施能提升居住体验。Pay attention to property and supporting facilities: Good property and complete supporting facilities can enhance the living experience.·明确购房目的‌:自住还是投资,不同目的会影响购房选择。Clarify the purpose of purchasing a house: self occupation or investment, different purposes will affect the choice of purchasing a house.·理性对待房价‌:关注房产的长期价值和投资潜力,避免因市场波动带来的损失。Rationally deal with housing prices: pay attention to the long-term value and investment potential of properties, and avoid losses caused by market fluctuations.

